Lynne Conkling 916-539-9502

Employee Handbooks and Policies

Developing and Implementing Effective Business Policies

Small businesses face many of the same legal challenges that large ones do. Two of the biggest challenges are found in the question: "What's the best way to manage both our employee and our customer relationships?"

At larger companies, human resources departments and in-house legal counsel are able to take the lead in creating employee handbooks, labor contracts and effective company policies. At the small business, however, these tasks often fall on the already-burdened shoulders of the business owner.

At the law offices of Harvey Conkling, we can lighten this load for you and show you how to lighten it for yourself as well. Basically, our firm provides small business policy development services to both businesses and school districts in the Sacramento area and surrounding portions of Northern California. To talk to us about how we can help you - just call 916.248.8602 or send us a brief e-mail describing your concerns.

Helping You Help Yourself

Not all small business policy development needs to be done by a lawyer.

Committed to providing our small business clients with value wherever possible, we can teach you how to do a significant amount of policy development work yourself - something that can dramatically reduce your bottom line legal costs.

For example, you are no doubt more familiar with what your employees do for you than any lawyer could ever hope to be. With that in mind, you are probably the person best-qualified to write effective job descriptions and to outline the essential skills to do the job.

To help you help yourself, attorney Randy Harvey can teach you how to write these descriptions effectively and with enough specificity to maintain compliance with ADA and workers' compensation requirements. We can provide basic templates for you to use as well. If you do this work but believe it is wise to have a trained legal eye review it – we can do this too.