Lynne Conkling 916-539-9502

Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution for the Sacramento Area Business

"Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbor to compromise whenever you a peace-maker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." – Abraham Lincoln

Treating every problem as though it were a nail and then hitting it with a hammer is a problematic and often unproductive way to go through life.

It also won't work out very well for your business.

At the law offices of Randy J. Harvey, we appreciate the risks, costs and frustrations involved with litigation. We know that litigation isn't right for every client or appropriate for every situation. More importantly, we would like you to know we are fully committed to using our negotiation skills and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods like mediation or arbitration in an effort to resolve your legal conflict outside of court.

To learn more about the ADR options that might be able to solve your current conflict – call us at 916.248.8602 or, contact our offices online.

In Times of Crisis, Cooler Heads Prevail

Before becoming an attorney, Randy Harvey was a small business owner, an educator, an administrator, a labor consultant and a human resources manager. In all that time and in each of those roles, he faced crisis situations. As a result, he has learned how to remain calm and how to make good business decisions based on thought and reason rather than the emotions of the day.

No example of his crisis management skills is more revealing than those shown by him as a school administrator after the 1998 Thurston High School shootings in Springfield, Oregon. Mr. Harvey was the point person for the school in the aftermath of that incident during the litigation process. As a result of his calm, thoughtful leadership - neither the school nor the school district was sued as a result (a rarity in these cases).