Lynne Conkling 916-539-9502

Debt Collection, Relief and Bankruptcy

  • Debt Relief Counseling
  • Debt Management
  • Negotiation
  • Creditor Collections
  • Bankruptcy (BK)

Debt Collection Advice and Services for the Sacramento Area Small Business

Bad debts can be a Titanic-sized problem for small businesses. At the same time, the small business owner who takes debt collection matters into their own hands can easily run afoul of the many state and federal regulations that govern the collection of bad faith debts.

At the law offices of Randy J. Harvey, we provide debt collection advice and services to small businesses in the Sacramento area and surrounding portions of Northern California. Simply put, our attorney can handle debt collection for you and teach you how to do this without violating state or federal statutes and creating the need for debt collection defense.

To learn more - call our offices directly at 916.248.8602 or, contact us online.

Do I Need a Lawyer or Don't I?

Whether or not you need a lawyer is an open question. Certainly, if it is within your budget and you would rather not add debt collection to your already long list of responsibilities – then by all means, hire an attorney and consider hiring ours.

To some extent, whether or not you hire a lawyer will also depend on the size of the debt involved. Generally, the more significant the amount of money owed, the more consideration you should give to having a lawyer collect it for you. By contrast, it often makes good economic sense to handle the job of collecting smaller debts yourself.

Our firm can help you in either situation. We collect debts for our clients by drafting demand letters, seeking wage garnishments, applying liens to debtors' assets and by obtaining court judgments. We also work with clients who want to be able to do some of these things for themselves and reduce their legal costs.